On Wednesday, 28 February 2007 at 09:47, Rocco Rutte wrote:
> I think we should rethink or at least put lots of manpower into 
> documentation prior to 1.6 since I think 1.6 will (again) be out several 
> years before 1.8. At least people seem to stick with stable mutt 
> releases for quite some time.
> The manual is in large parts just a reference only so I think we should 
> re-organize its sections and rewrite some parts from scratch (I know 
> that talk is cheap and somebody has to do it, but unless there's 
> consensus on the problem here, I'm not willing to put any work into it). 
> WIth Brendan switching to hg prior to 1.6, hacking on a rewrite in a 
> separate branch with several developers would be easy and efficient I 
> hope.
> Also, I think the current way of creating it is not very optimal since I 
> (still) consider DocBook a format which is to be generated by machines, 
> not written by humans (please no flamewar on that one! :)
> Just a very stupid idea: why not play with asciidoc a little? It should 
> do all what we want, we could finally simplify makedoc a lot and still 
> get all output we want. Plus: the manual would be much easier to hack 
> on, much smaller in size, etc. With some XSLT magic I think it could be 
> more or less easy to create an initial asciidoc-based document.

I'm for it. About halfway through your email I thought I was going to
have to write a 'why not asciidoc?' response :)

I don't have the cycles to work on the conversion right now, but if
anyone else wants to have a go, I'd be very receptive.

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