Dear all,

I have been a long time promoter of free culture, free software and related topix (more than 25 years) and I am now at least beginning to read and play music myself, so I want to contribute more to Mutopia.

I also happen to live with a professional pianist who is also the director of a Belgian, French speaking « académie de musique » (in La Hulpe) and I would very much like her 500 students and about 40 teachers to be able to use and contribute to Mutopia.

This implies that the project be also in French.

I also think that if the project was available natively in many languages, it would help with the participations of many different public.

I therefore propose to help with

1. the hosting of a copy of the mutopia project in Belgium if it is
2. any help towards the translation to French, including translations
   of many pages. But for it to be efficent, I think that tools using
   the gettext suite should be put in place eg. po4a, as well as the
   use of modern communication such as a channel (if it does not exist
   yet) within (that I have not seen advertised) like many
   other free software projects.

I hope to read you soon,

Best regards,


*Nicolas Pettiaux*, PhD in Physics - gsm +32 496 24 55 01
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