Il 08/09/2013 11:21, Roger Light ha scritto:
Hi Stefano,

   (a) only "pattern /clid/%c/data"

I suspect the problem that you're seeing here is that if this is your
only acl, then other clients won't be able to see that topic. This
means your mosquitto_sub instance won't receive the messages, even
though it is subscribed to #.

You could try something like this instead (how you do it depends on
what you're trying to achieve of course)

topic read #
pattern write /clid/%c/data

Yes seems to make sense but still does not work... any idea why? I'll try having a look at Mosquitto code anyway.

Or you could add a user line to only allow read access to a specific user.

If you can't do what you want, you can write a plugin to do it - is a great example.

Sure I'm studying this, trying also to understand if I can achieve my other goal of having each user "confined" under a specific topics tree (see my other post today). Or better: my colleagues will, I'm not (any more) so good at building real C/C++ applications!

Can't find a description of expected auth plugins API, does it exist?

Thanks again

   Stefano Costa, R&D Manager
   M +39 335 6565749
   Skype stefanocosta.bluewind
   Twitter @stefanobluewind

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