It looks like the download links (new code, and old Win binaries, probably
others also) on are down.  Also, the man-pages look to be
down as well.

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 4:30 PM, Roger Light <> wrote:

> Hi Steve,
> Great, glad you got it working.
> Cheers,
> Roger
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 9:25 PM, Steven Luke <> wrote:
>> Hi Roger,
>> That was it: I had been putting all the same information into the data
>> fields for all the clients I wanted to talk with each other and the broker.
>>  I guess the protocol doesn't like that.  I had to vary the Common Name and
>> the Challenge Passphrase for each key:cert pair I made.  After that it all
>> went well (including using passwords).
>> Thanks,
>> Steve
>> On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 9:09 AM, Roger Light <> wrote:
>>> Hi Steve,
>>> It sounds like the connection is failing at some point and then
>>> attempting to reconnect, which is what is triggering the pass phrase
>>> request. The mosquitto pub/sub utilities only offer keyboard entry of pass
>>> phrases. It would be fairly straightforward to add your own method to
>>> obtain the password though.
>>> There is more to your problem than that though, as you know! I would
>>> suggest starting out using the simplest case - no client authentication
>>> required. If that works then move on to providing a client certificate but
>>> not requiring it and so on. You may also wish to try with the ssl
>>> certificates from the test/ssl/ directory as these are "known good". One
>>> thing to be careful of when generating your certificates is to ensure that
>>> you make each certificate unique. I had a very confusing time in the past
>>> when I made a CA certificate and a server certificate with the exact same
>>> details.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Roger
>>> On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 2:13 PM, Steven Luke <>wrote:
>>>> I am trying to get SSL working.  I followed the directions here:
>>>> to generate the
>>>> certificates and what not.
>>>> When I try to connect to the server I get the below:
>>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>>> 1) In the first attempt, I typed in the wrong pass phrase, so I get an
>>>> 'Unable to connect' error - this is what I expect.
>>>> 2) But the second time I type in the correct pass phrase.  When I do
>>>> so, I get prompted for the pass phrase again and again.  From here on out,
>>>> it does not matter if I type the correct or incorrect phrase, I just keep
>>>> getting prompted until I CTRL-C.
>>>> Any idea what might be happening or how I could get around it?
>>>> More details:
>>>> I made the certs on Ubuntu, but am deploying the broker on Windows 7
>>>> Pro.  My clients will be Windows, Android, and iPhone, so for now i am
>>>> testing with the Windows mosquitto_sub client and will move on to others
>>>> when I can run.  I have tried on multiple (Win Vista and Win 7) computers
>>>> and have re-made the certs and keys a half-dozen times and get the same
>>>> thing happening.
>>>> Would appreciate any help, thanks.
>>>> Steve
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