Hello, I'm not sure if this is a bug or intentional.

On first side:
mosquitto_sub -v -h brokerhost -t "#"

On second side:
mosquitto_pub -r -h brokerhost -t "sensor/001" -m "9912"  <== this message is shown on first side
mosquitto_pub -r -h brokerhost -t "/sensor/001" -m "9912"  <== this message is NOT shown on first side due to the leading "/" in topic

Up to this, it's correct. But please note that the two messages are sent with "retained" set, and so if I launch again:
mosquitto_sub -v -h brokerhost -t "#"

now I get both retained messages:
/sensor/001 9912  <=== this could be an error?
sensor/001 9912

while if I launch:
mosquitto_sub -v -h brokerhost -t "/#" (note the "/#" instead of "#")

what I get is only one retained message:
/sensor/001 9912

Thanks S

  Stefano Costa, R&D Manager
  M +39 335 6565749
  Skype stefanocosta.bluewind

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