Sorry for the delay... On Apr 8, 2014, at 2:04 AM, venkatesh <> wrote: > It is working fine with Debug mode, when we change to Release mode it shows > the error as > *You need to add a reference to Mono.Android.Export.dll when you use > ExportAttribute or ExportFieldAttribute.*. ... > <> >
The relevant line in DignosticsBuild.txt is: 2>AndroidLinkMode = Full i.e. $(AndroidLinkMode) is Full, affectionately known as "please break my code." You're hitting: (which may have been verified incorrectly, as it fails for me with Xamarin.Android 4.12.3, which it was supposedly verified with.) Please try setting $(AndroidLinkMode) to SdkOnly, i.e. "Link SDK Assemblies Only". Thanks, - Jon _______________________________________________ Monodroid mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE INFORMATION: