Ok, this should be right!!

using System;

namespace Com.Amazon.Ags.Client.Whispersync.Model
    public partial class NumberList
        public Java.Lang.Object DeepCopy(){
            return DeepCopy ();

2013/11/27 Matteo Polito <matteo.pol...@gmail.com>

> O, this should be right!!
>  using System;
> namespace Com.Amazon.Ags.Client.Whispersync.Model
> {
>     public partial class NumberList
>     {
>         public Java.Lang.Object DeepCopy(){
>             return DeepCopy ();
>         }
>     }
> }
> 2013/11/27 Matteo Polito <map...@gmail.com>
>> I've created a new class "NumberList" in addition directory, It's partial.
>> using System;
>> namespace Com.Amazon.Ags.Client.Whispersync.Model
>> {
>>     public partial class NumberList
>>     {
>>         public Java.Lang.Object DeepCopy(){
>>             return this;
>>         }
>>     }
>> }
>> Now it compiles, but is this right?
>> Thanks
>> 2013/11/27 Matteo Polito <map...@gmail.com>
>>> I've created a new class "NumberList" in addition directory, It's
>>> partial.
>>>  using System;
>>> namespace Com.Amazon.Ags.Client.Whispersync.Model
>>> {
>>>     public partial class NumberList
>>>     {
>>>         public Java.Lang.Object DeepCopy(){
>>>             return this;
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> But is this right?
>>> Thanks
>>> 2013/11/27 Matteo Polito <map...@gmail.com>
>>>> Hi, thanks again for you answer.
>>>> You're right, it's abstract.
>>>>  public abstract partial class NumberList : global::Java.Lang.Object,
>>>> global::Com.Amazon.Ags.Api.Whispersync.Model.ISyncableNumberList,
>>>> global::Com.Amazon.Ags.Client.Whispersync.Model.IMergeable
>>>> Now I don't know what to do! Have you an example to start?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Matteo.
>>>> 2013/11/27 Jonathan Pryor <jonpr...@vt.edu>
>>>>> On Nov 27, 2013, at 3:57 AM, Matteo Polito <map...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> > Com.Amazon.Ags.Client.Whispersync.Model.NumberList.cs(80,80): Error
>>>>> CS0103: The name `DeepCopy' does not exist in the current context (CS0103)
>>>>> (GameCircle.MonoDroid)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > The method is: // This method is explicitly implemented as a member
>>>>> of an instantiated Com.Amazon.Ags.Client.Whispersync.Model.IMergeable
>>>>> > global::Java.Lang.Object
>>>>> global::Com.Amazon.Ags.Client.Whispersync.Model.IMergeable.DeepCopy ()
>>>>> > {
>>>>> >       return
>>>>> global::Java.Interop.JavaObjectExtensions.JavaCast<Java.Lang.Object>(DeepCopy
>>>>> ());
>>>>> > }
>>>>> Are you renaming or removing the DeepCopy() method via
>>>>> Transforms\Metadata.xml? Is NumberList an abstract type?
>>>>> If NumberList is an abstract type, it may be missing the deepCopy()
>>>>> method that the Mergeable interface declares. If this is the case, you may
>>>>> need to add a DeepCopy() abstract method declaration in a partial class.
>>>>>  - Jon
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