It was over a year ago now, but support suggested to me to try either clearing the mono.debug.extra field entirely, or modifying the timeout value to a greater value (5 or 10 sec) as an attempt to get the debugger to connect at deploy-time when the app has more than one process.
My app has a service that runs in its own process b/c it calls Thread.Sleep often on its multiple threads it hosts, and I find if I call Thread.Sleep on a thread running in the main app, then the UI thread goes to sleep as well. I just found the quick way to do this Java.Lang.JavaSystem.SetProperty("debug.mono.extra","..."); string outputText = Java.Lang.JavaSystem.GetProperty("debug.mono.extra"); I'm open to suggestions, Thanks! -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list archive at _______________________________________________ Monodroid mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE INFORMATION: