On Apr 17, 2013, at 9:21 AM, krish <kickr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
>    m suffering from deployment problem...i tried one thing...i copied the 
> .apk signed 
> file(E:\MonoAddModifyDeleteView\MonoAddModifyDeleteView\bin\Debug) to sd card 
> of tablet and installed it ...it is installed on the tablet but giving error 
> AllControls.AllControls has stopped unexpectedly (Force Close)...

That won't work, because Debug builds are not "stand-alone"; they have other 
dependencies which the IDE should be installing for you.

The question is, why isn't the IDE able to install the app?

Please enable device deployment logging:


You may need to restart Visual Studio after enabling the deployment logging. 
This will write a `monodroid.log` file to your Desktop. Please provide the 
`monodroid.log` file.

You may also need to provide your devices `adb logcat` output:


 - Jon

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