> This is very helpful context. Thank you. :-) 

You are welcome :) Glad that it helped to bring my point across, with
English being my second language I sometimes wonder if my mails are clear

> Obvious question: Why do you need to use the KeyChain API? Why not just
> include your client certificate in your app and then use it? 

I am now doing exactly that to temporarily work around the issue.
Unfortunately, this is not acceptable as a long-term solution; enterprise
customers that are mostly using our app insist on having the KeyChain
support implemented, because it greatly simplifies management of client
certificates over a large number of devices - they are able to employ
various MDM solutions to help with that (e.g.

> I believe that this behavior isn't a Mono for Android bug, but an Android
> change (as per your description, behavior is dependent upon the Android
> version).

I totally agree with that. However, the change in Android effectively makes
it impossible to use .NET HTTP stack with KeyChain API. I think what is
needed here is an ability to somehow override the default implementation of
SSL handshake to be able to sign those random bytes in a custom way - with
that, I could use Signature class
(http://androidapi.xamarin.com/?link=T%3aJava.Security.Signature) to do the
signing without converting the private key. Is there any chance you will
extend the HTTP stack to allow this?

> By any chance is your code using multiple threads? 

Actually, it is. It is not possible to simply select the certificate from
the KeyChain with an arbitrary alias. The method
must be used first to let the user select the certificate; the alias that
the user chose is then available in the callback method (last parameter). I
believe the callback is not executed in the UI thread.

> I'll provide that code in a bit;

That would be awesome!

> if that doesn't help you, let's see about getting a full repro... 

Ok, I will put together some test environment ASAP along with a sample
client app. Will keep you updated.

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