Do you mean invoke the Java library through JNI? That sounds pretty daunting.
Yeah I don't want to support all the harmony/w3c/encryption/dom stuff. Just the basic Pdf stuff. Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Atsushi Eno Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 5:00 AM To: Discussions related to Mono for Android Subject: Re: [mono-android] report generation Hello, I had a look at DroidText (as I whated to know what blocked you), and found that there are many dependencies on Java collection types that we don't support, as well as many packages we don't support bindings such as w3c dom. I have to say, we have no plan to add those types in our Mono.Android.dll. It might be still possible to reduce bound API (maybe significantly) to get working bindings for minimum required feature set. Also, Java interoperability is not only about automatic bindings - with good old manual JNI bindings(!) if you want... Atsushi Eno Jeremy A. Kolb - ARA/NED wrote: > > Does anyone know of any report generation libraries we can use with > Monodroid? Preferably LGPL/BSD/MIT? DroidText is the only one I found > but it doesn't work with Mono For Android yet. Everything else out > there (that's c# at least) depends on System.Drawing which we can't use. > > Jeremy > > > > _______________________________________________ > Monodroid mailing list > > > UNSUBSCRIBE INFORMATION: > _______________________________________________ Monodroid mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE INFORMATION: _______________________________________________ Monodroid mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE INFORMATION: