On Nov 29, 2012, at 1:58 AM, c.hermann <c.herm...@bitbeans.de> wrote:
> i get following exception:
> 11-29 07:53:36.684: D/AMAZON:(9021): Object reference not set to an instance 
> of an object -   at System.Xml.XmlInputStream.Initialize (System.IO.Stream 
> stream)
> 11-29 07:53:36.684: D/AMAZON:(9021):   at 
> System.Xml.XmlInputStream..ctor(System.IO.Stream stream)
> 11-29 07:53:36.684: D/AMAZON:(9021):   at 
> System.Xml.XmlStreamReader..ctor(System.IO.Stream input)
> 11-29 07:53:36.684: D/AMAZON:(9021):   at 
> System.Xml.XmlTextReader..ctor(System.IO.Stream input)
> 11-29 07:53:36.684: D/AMAZON:(9021):   at 
> Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Client.transform(System.String responseBody, System.String 
> actionName, System.Type t)
> 11-29 07:53:36.684: D/AMAZON:(9021):   at 
> Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Client.processRequestResponse[ListBucketsResponse](System.Net.HttpWebResponse
>  httpResponse, Amazon.S3.Model.S3Request request, System.Type t, 
> Amazon.S3.Model.ListBucketsResponse& response, System.Exception& cause)
> 11-29 07:53:36.684: D/AMAZON:(9021):   at 
> Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Client.handleHttpResponse[ListBucketsResponse](Amazon.S3.Model.S3Request
>  userRequest, System.Net.HttpWebRequest request, System.Net.HttpWebResponse 
> httpResponse, Int32 retries, Int64 lengthOfRequest, 
> Amazon.S3.Model.ListBucketsResponse& response, System.Exception& cause, 
> System.Net.HttpStatusCode& statusCode)
> 11-29 07:53:36.684: D/AMAZON:(9021):   at 
> Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Client.getResponseCallback[ListBucketsResponse](IAsyncResult
>  result)

Conjecture: (2) AmazonS3.ListBuckets() is internally hitting a NRE. I think the 
conjecture is confirmed. :-)

Specifically, XmlInputStream(Stream) is being given a null Stream, and blows up 
when attempting to call stream.Read():


(The perils of not null-checking arguments...)

As for _why_ AmazonS3.ListBuckets() is passing XmlInputStream a null stream...I 
have no idea. Perhaps one of the "buckets" is malformed? You'll need to 
investigate the AmazonS3 library to determine the cause and solution.

 - Jon

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