My bad with the SafeUnregisterReceiver, it's an extension. here's the

        public static void SafeUnregisterReceiver( this ContextWrapper ctx,
BroadcastReceiver receiver )
            if ( ( ctx != null ) && ( receiver != null ) )
                ctx.UnregisterReceiver( receiver );

                receiver = null;

On 20 November 2012 08:41, EaranMaleasi <> wrote:

> thank you for your peace of code, and sorry that i'm posting back only now.
> i am figuring out at the moment how it works(yeah do not only C&P even if i
> can't really understand it atm.) and how i implement it.
> i have a problem with this one:
> SafeUnregisterReceiver
> this method seems to be nowhere in all the android resources and is nowhere
> to be found in the documentation...or am i blind?
> Ps: IntentService:
> Am i right that this service starts, when you call it, starts an worker
> threat and stops it when the threat is finished? would that mean it can't
> store any data?
> i want the service to store data from an Database, so i do not have to do
> SQL queries all the time.
> from this temporary storage i want to call just an singe cursor (i have 4
> or
> 5) from an activity
> the called data will be manipulated and send back by that activty, which
> can
> happen more than once with every cursor.
> at the end of the service all data should be writen back in the DB by
> altering...deleting...or inserting entries.
> this will be not to hard, (at least i think it will be), and i hope i wont
> need help with that,
> just want you to tell what i plan to do... but you could tell me if this
> idea of managing data is crap or not,
> wheter i should do sth like that, or just do all the stuff direcly in the
> DB
> (which would be less programming)
> --
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