On Nov 17, 2012, at 10:55 AM, Spencer <spencerth...@bigpond.com> wrote:
> My project has a number of XML files while are setup with the 'Embedded 
> Resource' build action property.  I'm trying to access the files using 
> Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(fileName) but 
> Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() is returning null.

This should work. I suspect that what's happening is that the resource name 
isn't your filename (very often the EmbeddedResource will have a namespace 

If you're on OS X you can verify this with `monodis`:

        $ monodis --manifest *.dll
        Manifestresource Table (1..1)
        1: public 'Bxc8410.Resources.AboutResources.txt' at offset 0 in current 

That was from setting the Build action for AboutResources.txt to 
"EmbeddedResource"; note that it has a namespace + folder prefix, not just the 

`ildasm` will also provide you the name of embedded resources.

> I've also tried setting the build action to 'Content' and access the files by 
> opening them directly,

Content is not supported on Mono for Android.

 - Jon

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