On Nov 5, 2012, at 8:06 PM, Daniele Salvatore Albano <d.alb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> While i understand that some (many) custom kernels doesn't support serial 
> ports (internal and usb ones), i really need it :)

> Can i do something to obtain support for Serial Ports on mono for android? 
> Can i grab System.IO.Ports from mono project (i think not, i've seen that a 
> native helper called MonoPosixHelper is used).

You'd need to grab both: use the Android NDK to compile mono/support into 
MonoPosixHelper, and compile mcs/class/System/Sytem.IO.Ports into your 
application. In theory both should be do-able, but I haven't tried (and thus 
don't know what complications you may run into).

> I imagine that i need to write a simple native library to handle this 
> situation,

That would be the NDK-built libMonoPosixHelper.so.

> or i can write a native android library and use it with pinvokes on mono for 
> android?

P/Invoke is fully supported. You can certainly DllImport into an app-bundled 

> I've wrote some stuff, some time ago, to handle serial ports and it works 
> fine so if i can use it without interfacing with JNI would be great!

That works too.

 - Jon

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