Hi Atsushi,

They're pretty important.  Unfortunately in my travels it looks like a lot of 
third party jars have dependencies on other jars.

-----Original Message-----
From: monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com 
[mailto:monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Atsushi Eno
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 11:39 AM
To: Discussions related to Mono for Android
Subject: Re: [mono-android] warning: with 4.2.8 you will have to remove 
android-support-v4.jar build item

Hi Jeremy,

Unlike InputJar, ReferenceJars cannot be "embedded" - honestly I never thought 
about scenarios where ReferenceJars are widely required among many projects.
If there are not a small need for that feature, we will consider implementing 
something like "EmbeddedReferenceJar" for that.
Thanks for the feedback as usual!

Atsushi Eno

Jeremy A. Kolb - ARA/NED wrote:
> What about reference jars?  If A library project depends on 3 jars + and 
> input jar do we still have to copy the reference jars to the project that 
> uses the library or are they packaged up too?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com 
> [mailto:monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Atsushi Eno
> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 11:05 AM
> To: monodroid@lists.ximian.com
> Subject: [mono-android] warning: with 4.2.8 you will have to remove 
> android-support-v4.jar build item
> Hello,
> tl;dr: after updating to 4.2.8 preview, you might see a build breakage to 
> your existing project that references Mono.Android.Support.v4.dll and 
> contains android-support-v4.jar as AndroidJavaLibrary.
> In that case, removing the AndroidJavaLibrary item is needed.
> ----
> Starting from version 4.2.8, new "embedded jar" feature will allow us 
> (everyone) to embed the jar into the binding dll, which will automatically 
> add the jar to application package (as if we specified AndroidJavaLibrary). 
> This should reduce complicated procedure to pass the library to both binding 
> and app projects.
> This won't happen unless you specify "EmbeddedJar" build action to 
> binding jar file. You can still use InputJar. (Though starting from 
> 4.2.8 it will be the default action for jar files in Jars directory.)
> We applied this to our Mono.Android.Support.v4.dll so now it this dll embeds 
> android-support-v4.jar.
> This change however causes side effect; any project that has reference to 
> older android-support-v4.jar will not build unless you remove it.
> The reason is explained at bug #7946 but here I copy the entire text:
> ----
> This is not a bug but explicitly designed behavior. We should NOT remove 
> whatever users specified *arbitrarily*. That rather brings confusion to users 
> and it should be always user who decide which to leave into app package and 
> which to discard.
> To make it clear, when the jars, one in the dll and others in app 
> projects, are IDENTICAL (which means both have identical name
> *and* identical content), they don't result in conflict. For any *other* 
> cases, you should be *aware* that the jar is *inconsistent* with the actual 
> jar which is being used in the application.
> You are seeing the error message because you use *inconsistent*
> support-v4 jar.
> EmbeddedJar feature is not specific to Mono.Android.Support.v4.dll.
> Any user bindings fall into the same *possibly conflicting* situation.
> You will get furious if we arbitrarily determine that "your jar in the 
> application is extraneous" while it might be *newer* (!) especially in such 
> scenario like this: the application also uses newer jar as AndroidJavaLibrary 
> to invoke new API feature, and it fails because we silently drop the newer 
> jar due to this *wrong* assumption.
> Of course there is no deterministic way to identify *which* library is 
> actually newer, and there is no chance to actually use the application jar if 
> you have to stick to the dll, which is not *always* true - users could use 
> different binding dll.
> We made the error message very clear to indicate what to do: you have to 
> either alter the dll or remove the application jar (or any conflicting jar in 
> other dll).
> Hence the current behavior is the only way to assure valid jar packaging. 
> Regardless of whether we embed the jar into the dll or not in this version, 
> such possibly-mismatching jar-vs-dll issue could have happened, so canceling 
> EmbedJar is worse choice.
> Hope this explanation makes sense.
> Atsushi Eno
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