
Thanks for the analysis. I did quite a bit of googling before posting myself
and I came across the same stackoverflow thread. I wasn't aware that the guy
answering was an android OS developer - and since I found plenty of other
threads that dealt with the same issue and none had the same message, I
didn't figure it was "the official position (TM)". And it being a year later
and one major OS revision later - who knows if it the change request has
already been incorporated.

I was thinking it must be something along the lines of the whole re-using a
view thing that is common when dealing with ListViews, so my thinking was
that I'm missing a bit where I need to tell the OS to just re-use the
existing fragment, not re-inflate it.

Going to look at includes now..


P.S. Speaking of fragments - VS bitches all the time about the use of the
fragment tag in a layout, could it be that the schema needs updating?

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