On Sep 3, 2012, at 10:59 PM, ddebilt <dan.deb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm getting the following error when I inherit from SQLiteOpenHelper:
> Error 1        cannot find symbol
> symbol  : class DatabaseErrorHandler
> location: package android.database
>       public Db_DatabaseHelper (android.content.Context p0, java.lang.String 
> p1, android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory p2, int p3, 
> android.database.DatabaseErrorHandler p4)

You've done two things:

1. You've placed your SQLiteOpenHelper into an assembly that isn't your "main" 
assembly (the assembly generated by your AndroidApplication project).
2. You've enabled Link All Assemblies.

When you have Link All Assemblies enabled, only the "main" assembly is 
preserved, and everything from all other assemblies may be linked away. Unless 
your main assembly is actually referencing the SQLiteOpenHelper methods (which 
it won't be), those methods will be linked away, and thus the resulting Android 
Callable Wrapper won't contain the necessary methods.

In general, NEVER use "Link All Assemblies"; stick to "Link SDK Assemblies".

 - Jon

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