When you start that activity how are you starting it? For result or normal?
I have this working fine but all mine are startactivityforresult
On Aug 30, 2012 2:32 AM, "John Murray" <j...@murray.gb.com> wrote:

> I’ve acquired an ICS mobile and started testing on it ****
> I’ve got several subordinate activities where there is a cancel button
> which use Finish() to end the activity.****
> On the v404 machine this returns right to the beginning and appears to
> restart the app including splash screen (although data entered in fields in
> main activity is retained) ****
> whereas on v2.3 machines this does not happen.****
> After ‘Finish()’ one is returned to the calling point in the main activity
> ****
> ** **
> I have also tried this behaviour on the emulator – using a v2.2  emulator
> all happens as planned****
> Also surprisingly using a v4.03 emulator everything goesto plan but on
> my   xperia with v4.04 when finish is called not only the subordinate
> activity (a simple form) is killed but also the main app seems to be killed
> and starts again with teh splash screen and oncreate method ****
> ** **
> Indeed this behaviour happens regardless of my Cancel button calling
> Finish() it happens on the back button as well from a subordinate Activity
> ****
> ** **
> Why might v 4.04 behave differently and what can be done to restore the
> v2.3 behaviour in v4.04 ****
> John Murray****
> ** **
> ** **
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