On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 3:28 AM, Stephan Steiner

> And I currently have it again while running - all kinds of methods are red
> underlined - I have "Cannot implicitly convert to
> ClientInterface.LoginResult" for
> ClientInterface.LoginResult res = smartAppServer.EndMobileLogin(ar);
> (declaration: protected ISmartAppMobile smartAppServer = null;
> and ISmartAppMobile interface:
>         [OperationContract]
>         [WebInvoke()]
>         LoginResult MobileLogin(MobileLoginParameters parameters);
> )... it goes down to usings that it doesn't like, types or namespaces not
> found, etc. Funny thing is that it all runs just fine.
> I'm beginning to doubt the VS plugin :(

Hmmm. I have actually seen this kind of thing with standard VS, where the
Intellisense parser gives incorrect results which cause errors. In that
case what happened was that there was a namespace declaration in one file,
generated by VS via "Add Class" I believe, which had a duplicate element:

namespace Contoso.Game.Geometry.Contoso.Game.Geometry.TwoDimensional

Somehow that made the project produce incorrect results (type not found,
can't convert Foo to Foo, etc.) in all the other files of the project.
Anyway, it might be worth doing a quick grep/findstr over your namespace
declarations to look for duplicates.

Wish I could be of more help.


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    -Jordan Rixon

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