
This is x-post regarding x-platform solutions/projects.
Sharing Code Options <http://docs.xamarin.com/ios/tutorials/Cross_Platform/Sharing_Code_Options>


 * In Visual Studio there is no simple way to add an entire filesystem
   'tree' to a project, so files must be individually added. The
   directory hierarchy must also be manually created.
 * If you add, delete or move a file in one project you must remember
   to perform the same action in all the other project files.

corrections (tree = directory + content) :

 * adding tree can be done with:
     o VS: include in project
 * linking existing tree in source project
     o sequence
         + exclude from project
           suggestion MonoDevelop team: when implementing operation I
           would suggest to implement
           reverse/undo operation.
           There is no exclude from project in MD!
         + include in project

Again some nice-to-have-suggestions for MD team (should not be overly complicated) to
make cross-platform development easier(faster).
Those features are not in VS, but available through Addins in gallery like

 * VS power commands
 * VS productivity tools

Those offer Context menus for:

 * copy, paste as link
   for files, it would be great to add for folders too
 * for projects: copy as reference, paste reference
   MD add reference dialog is a lot better than VS (checked listview
   with assemblies and projects
   is more intuitive for me)
 * Project Linker functionality?
     o with exclusion pattern - settings



Miljenko Cvjetko dipl.ing. ET
        Projektant rjes(enja/Solution Architect 
        Razvojni programer/Senior developer
        Voditelj projekta/Project Manager

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