Using the Xamarin designer really helps. All you have to do is open the
base layout and then switch to the other sizes from the drop down.
If you have the various locks on, it keeps track of which settings are
changed on which screen size. It even asks you if you want to apply those
changes to the other screen sizes.

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 7:09 PM, Goncalo Oliveira <>wrote:

> Hi there,
> The application I'm developing needs to support several different sizes,
> from Normal to Extra Large. I'm using sp for text size and dp for
> everything else, as recommended in android's best practices. The thing
> is... In many places the only thing that changes is the text size, and I
> really need to set a different size for each screen layout - unless I'm
> mistaken. This is kind of awful as I'll have to have layouts for every
> screen size, in some cases multiplied by orientation. So my question here
> is... isn't there some other way (easier one) for doing this?
> I've looked at the text appearance flags,
> like ?android:attr/textAppearanceMedium but they look completely different
> across sizes, so that isn't good enough either.
> I know this is not exactly Xamarin related, but Android, though... I'd
> appreciate some hints on "the best way" of doing this.
> Cheers
> --
> Gonçalo Oliveira
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