Hello again,

This seems to be a non-issue for Xamarin. I found out that I was having
this problem with other applications, including the OS task list. Clicking
wouldn't do anything. I did a restart and everything went back to normal,
including in my application. This is something that I consider to be very
serious, but it has nothing to do with Xamarin guys. Most likely a bad OS

Any other ideas, please do comment.


On 14 August 2012 18:49, Goncalo Oliveira <gonc...@minkan.net> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I have a ListView with a custom adapter (derived from ArrayAdapter<T>).
> I hook up the ItemClick
> list.ItemClick -= Inbox_ItemClick;
> Then I load up some items into the adapter
> inboxAdapter.Add( new Document() { ... } );
> and in the end
> inboxAdapter.NotifyDataSetChanged();
> Now the weird thing...
> Android 2.3.3 and 4.0.3. ItemClick triggers.
> Android 3.2.1 ItemClick does not trigger.
> Does anyone have a clue why this happens?
> Cheers
> --
> Gonçalo Oliveira

Gonçalo Oliveira
Monodroid mailing list


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