On Aug 14, 2012, at 6:15 AM, Goncalo Oliveira <gonc...@minkan.net> wrote:
> The thing is... this is kind of unusable. The whole reason I'm using 
> reflection is because I don't know which properties I might need.

I don't understand this; why is Reflection preferable to using type checking? 
Why wouldn't you know which properties you need?

        static int GetSelectedItemPosition (object value)
                var v = value as AdapterView;   // base class of Spinner
                if (s != null)
                        return v.SelectedItemPosition;
                var a = value as ListActivity;
                if (a != null)
                        return a.SelectedItemPosition;
#if __ANDROID_11__
                var w = value as ListPopupWindow;
                if (w != null)
                        return w.SelectedItemPosition;
                var f = value as ListFragment;
                if (f != null)
                        return f.SelectedItemPosition;
#endif  // __ANDROID_11__
                // check other types as necessary
                throw new NotSupportedException ("Cannot get 
SelectedItemPosition from " + value.GetType ().FullName);

 - Jon

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