On Aug 13, 2012, at 2:16 AM, Igor Russkih <iruss...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm getting in trouble trying to Run/Debug application from the MD (3.0.3).
> It basically says:
> Installing 'xxx-Signed'
>       pkg: /data/local/tmp/xxx-Signed.apk
> 579 KB/s (2848292 bytes in 4.796s)
> Failed to install package
> But logcat shows that package was installed!

It's a sign that we need more information. :-)

If you're on OS X, please provide the contents of your 
$HOME/Library/Logs/MonoDevelop-3.0/AndroidTools-DATE.log file. Something 
"weird" is going on there...

Windows should have a similar log file somewhere, but I don't know where...

 - Jon

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