On Aug 9, 2012, at 2:41 AM, Sayed Arian Kooshesh <koosh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The problem with the android docs is that people have used stackoverflow to 
> poison search engines so that if you search for anything android, stack comes 
> up instead of the docs. It's really sad and I've yelled at the owners of 
> stack (with some success about it). The gig is, people post obviously fake 
> questions then answer with another account leading to their blog.

I have no idea if this is true; I'll take your word for it.

However, in my experience the Google docs are terrible. You can get exceptions 
which are undocumented, and/or the exceptions contain messages which are nearly 
useless. You can get installation errors with "error messages" which aren't 
messages, e.g. "INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK". You can get `null` as a return 
value from Context.getFilesDir() (which is also not called out in the docs, and 
can happen if the disk runs out of space). It goes on and on...

In short, the developer experience is terrible. There's a reason I need an AOSP 
checkout, and it's not because I'm building Android...

Assuming that StackOverflow is in fact poisoning the results, I think it would 
be much harder to actually poison them if Google's documentation was at all 

 - Jon

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