Look like, from the log, it was looking for 'mscorlib_3' and couldn't find
(till now)

On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 3:04 AM, Matthew Leibowitz

> Well, some weird news, all is now working. I did nothing except:
> I first tried updating PostSharp to version This made no changes.
> Then, I created the sample in VS 2012:
> http://www.sharpcrafters.com/postsharp/documentation#getting-started. No
> work...
> In utter desperation I created the same project in VS 2012. It worked. Hmm.
> So I tried the VS 2012 project again. Still no go.
> Then, the brainwave. The VS 2010 project works, so lets open that in VS
> 2012. That worked. The only difference was the project files and the VS
> version.
> I assumed that as the same project file (the one from VS 2010) worked in
> both VS versions, then it must be the project file. Wrong! Both the code
> and the project file were exactly the same. The only difference was the
> project GUID - one line.
> Now here comes the crazy part (before I broke down in tears):
> I opened the original project (the one with the errors). It now builds
> fine :)
> Don't ask me what happened. I haven't touched that project since
> yesterday. Maybe it was the upgrade slowly kicking in or maybe it was the
> first build with VS 2010. Or maybe it was the incessant building and
> re-building. (Or the hand waving).
> Note: you do need the PostSharp.Custom.targets file.
> So the sum of the story is: It works. Who knows why.
> Hope this helps :)
> Matthew
> On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 8:46 AM, Matthew Leibowitz <
> mattleibowm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> That "when I get home" turned into a "tomorrow", but here is some more
>> information:
>> With just a plain old PostSharp 2.1 install and a simple project I get
>> this:
>> Unhandled exception (, 32 bit, CLR 2.0, Release):
>>> PostSharp.Sdk.CodeModel.BindingException: Cannot find the type
>>> 'System.Func`2' in assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral,
>>> PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.
>>>    at PostSharp.Sdk.CodeModel.AssemblyEnvelope.GetTypeDefinition(String
>>> typeName, BindingOptions bindingOptions)
>>>    at
>>> PostSharp.Sdk.CodeModel.TypeRefDeclaration.GetTypeDefinition(BindingOptions
>>> bindingOptions)
>>>    at
>>> PostSharp.Sdk.CodeModel.TypeSpecDeclaration.GetTypeDefinition(BindingOptions
>>> bindingOptions)
>>>    at
>>> PostSharp.Sdk.Extensibility.Tasks.IndexGenericInstancesTask.Execute()
>>>    at PostSharp.Sdk.Extensibility.Project.ExecutePhase(String phase)
>>>    at PostSharp.Sdk.Extensibility.Project.Execute()
>>>    at PostSharp.Hosting.PostSharpObject.ExecuteProjects()
>>>    at PostSharp.Hosting.PostSharpObject.InvokeProject(ProjectInvocation
>>> projectInvocation)
>> So following the tips of experts, I added a PostSharp.Custom.targetsfile to 
>> my solution folder:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
>>> <Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003";>
>>>     <PropertyGroup>
>>> <PostSharpAssemblyBindingPolicySet>Silverlight20</PostSharpAssemblyBindingPolicySet>
>>>     </PropertyGroup>
>>> </Project>
>> This results in a new error:
>> Unhandled exception (, 32 bit, CLR 2.0, Release):
>>> PostSharp.Sdk.CodeModel.AssemblyLoadException: Cannot load assembly
>>> mscorlib_3. [Version mismatch]
>>> ============ PostSharp Assembly Loading Log ===================
>>> LOG: Finding the assembly with binding identity 'mscorlib,
>>> version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=7cec85d7bea7798e,
>>> processorarchitecture=msil'.
>>> LOG: Probing location 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
>>> Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v1.0\mscorlib.dll' because this
>>> file was explicitly added to the search path.
>>> LOG: File 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
>>> Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v1.0\mscorlib.dll' has identity
>>> 'mscorlib, version=, culture=neutral,
>>> publickeytoken=7cec85d7bea7798e, processorarchitecture=msil'.
>>> LOG: File 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
>>> Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v1.0\mscorlib.dll' does not
>>> match the reference.
>>> LOG: Probing location 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PostSharp
>>> 2.1\Release\mscorlib.exe' because this directory is in the search path.
>>> LOG: The file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PostSharp
>>> 2.1\Release\mscorlib.exe' could not be found.
>>> LOG: Probing location 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PostSharp
>>> 2.1\Release\mscorlib.dll' because this directory is in the search path.
>>> LOG: The file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PostSharp
>>> 2.1\Release\mscorlib.dll' could not be found.
>>> LOG: Probing location
>>> 'C:\BrandDirector\Mobile\Brandirector.Mobile\BrandDirector.Core.Aspects\mscorlib.exe'
>>> because this directory is in the search path.
>>> LOG: The file
>>> 'C:\BrandDirector\Mobile\Brandirector.Mobile\BrandDirector.Core.Aspects\mscorlib.exe'
>>> could not be found.
>>> LOG: Probing location
>>> 'C:\BrandDirector\Mobile\Brandirector.Mobile\BrandDirector.Core.Aspects\mscorlib.dll'
>>> because this directory is in the search path.
>>> LOG: The file
>>> 'C:\BrandDirector\Mobile\Brandirector.Mobile\BrandDirector.Core.Aspects\mscorlib.dll'
>>> could not be found.
>>> LOG: Probing location 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PostSharp
>>> 2.1\PlugIns\mscorlib.exe' because this directory is in the search path.
>>> LOG: The file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PostSharp
>>> 2.1\PlugIns\mscorlib.exe' could not be found.
>>> LOG: Probing location 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PostSharp
>>> 2.1\PlugIns\mscorlib.dll' because this directory is in the search path.
>>> LOG: The file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PostSharp
>>> 2.1\PlugIns\mscorlib.dll' could not be found.
>>> LOG: Probing location
>>> 'C:\BrandDirector\Mobile\Brandirector.Mobile\BrandDirector.Core.Aspects\bin\Debug\mscorlib.exe'
>>> because this directory is in the search path.
>>> LOG: The file
>>> 'C:\BrandDirector\Mobile\Brandirector.Mobile\BrandDirector.Core.Aspects\bin\Debug\mscorlib.exe'
>>> could not be found.
>>> LOG: Probing location
>>> 'C:\BrandDirector\Mobile\Brandirector.Mobile\BrandDirector.Core.Aspects\bin\Debug\mscorlib.dll'
>>> because this directory is in the search path.
>>> LOG: The file
>>> 'C:\BrandDirector\Mobile\Brandirector.Mobile\BrandDirector.Core.Aspects\bin\Debug\mscorlib.dll'
>>> could not be found.
>>> LOG: Probing location
>>> 'C:\BrandDirector\Mobile\Brandirector.Mobile\BrandDirector.Core.Aspects\obj\Debug\mscorlib.exe'
>>> because this directory is in the search path.
>>> LOG: The file
>>> 'C:\BrandDirector\Mobile\Brandirector.Mobile\BrandDirector.Core.Aspects\obj\Debug\mscorlib.exe'
>>> could not be found.
>>> LOG: Probing location
>>> 'C:\BrandDirector\Mobile\Brandirector.Mobile\BrandDirector.Core.Aspects\obj\Debug\mscorlib.dll'
>>> because this directory is in the search path.
>>> LOG: The file
>>> 'C:\BrandDirector\Mobile\Brandirector.Mobile\BrandDirector.Core.Aspects\obj\Debug\mscorlib.dll'
>>> could not be found.
>>> LOG: Probing location 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
>>> Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v2.2\mscorlib.exe' because this
>>> directory is in the search path.
>>> LOG: The file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
>>> Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v2.2\mscorlib.exe' could not be
>>> found.
>>> LOG: Probing location 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
>>> Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v2.2\mscorlib.dll' because this
>>> directory is in the search path.
>>> LOG: The file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
>>> Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v2.2\mscorlib.dll' could not be
>>> found.
>>> LOG: Probing location 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
>>> Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v1.0\mscorlib.exe' because this
>>> directory is in the search path.
>>> LOG: The file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
>>> Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v1.0\mscorlib.exe' could not be
>>> found.
>>> LOG: Probing location 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
>>> Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v1.0\mscorlib.dll' because this
>>> directory is in the search path.
>>> LOG: File 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
>>> Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v1.0\mscorlib.dll' has identity
>>> 'mscorlib, version=, culture=neutral,
>>> publickeytoken=7cec85d7bea7798e, processorarchitecture=msil'.
>>> LOG: File 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference
>>> Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v1.0\mscorlib.dll' does not
>>> match the reference.
>>> LOG: The assembly 'mscorlib_3' was not found.
>>> ===============================================================
>>>    at PostSharp.Sdk.CodeModel.Domain.GetAssembly(IAssemblyName
>>> assemblyName, BindingOptions bindingOptions)
>>>    at
>>> PostSharp.Sdk.CodeModel.AssemblyRefDeclaration.GetAssemblyEnvelope()
>>>    at
>>> PostSharp.Sdk.Extensibility.Tasks.MulticastAttributeTask.^SgrhoGlQ(AssemblyRefDeclaration
>>> _0)
>>>    at
>>> PostSharp.Sdk.Extensibility.Tasks.MulticastAttributeTask.^+GwnKh4ZYHu3()
>>>    at PostSharp.Sdk.Extensibility.Tasks.MulticastAttributeTask.Execute()
>>>    at PostSharp.Sdk.Extensibility.Project.ExecutePhase(String phase)
>>>    at PostSharp.Sdk.Extensibility.Project.Execute()
>>>    at PostSharp.Hosting.PostSharpObject.ExecuteProjects()
>>>    at PostSharp.Hosting.PostSharpObject.InvokeProject(ProjectInvocation
>>> projectInvocation)
>> Not quite sure what this means...
>> I will try some other things, but if this rings any bells with you guys
>> out there, let me know.
>> Matthew
>> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 6:30 PM, Matthew Leibowitz <
>> mattleibowm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Has anyone tried using postsharp 2.1 with mono for android?
>>> One guy managed to get it to work, but he was using version 2. Version
>>> 2.1 seems to use the mscorlib 5? Maybe its because of silverlight 5 being
>>> installed?
>>> I'll see if I can give some more info when I get home, but I just wanted
>>> to see if anyone tried something?
>>> Matthew
>>> Sent from my Android.
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