Whoa - brilliant Miha - you have inadvertently given me the answer

Instead of just putting in 

I need to create a var to hold the instance and then use that instance to
commit after the loop thus

                                Var   thisinstance =

                for (int go = 0; go < selstr2.Count; go++)


                        //cc2 is the connection.command

                      cc2.CommandText = selstr2[go];   //array selstr
contains insert statements






This delivers a significant speed improvement over the previous where it was
committing each round of the loop.  I had tried all flavours of commit until
you mentioned that the begintransation()  instance had a commit method 

The above works beautifully


John Murray 





From: Miha Markic [mailto:m...@rthand.com] 
Sent: 05 August 2012 14:01
To: j...@murray.gb.com; Discussions related to Mono for Android
Subject: RE: [mono-android] sqlite optimisation


Hi John,


BeginTransaction() returns you a SqliteTransaction instance which has both
Commit() and Rollback() methods.

However, I doubt that transaction will speed up inserts. Instead, you might
take a look at UpdateBatchSize property of the DbDataAdapter class.


I suppose it works as well in M4A.





From: monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com
[mailto:monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of John Murray
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2012 1:13 PM
To: monodroid@lists.ximian.com
Subject: [mono-android] sqlite optimisation


I am using sqlite in monodroid - I am doing a bulk insert from an external

I have read there is no inbuilt way of importing a whole xml file into the
sqlite database

But one can optimise a loop which inserts line by line by using

Which is supposed to delay the commit until the loop is over then use

However in the monodroid library mono.data.sqlite.dll does not seem to
contain the 'setTransactionSuccessful' method

Nor themethod endTransation())

Given the insert loop below can anyone tell me if I am barking up the wrong
tree trying to stall the committing of inserts in this way?  Is there any
other way to speed up a large insert loop like this?

If there is a method in Mono.Data.Sqlite for 'begintransaction()' where is
the obverse 'endtransation' or 'settransationsuccessful()'

As you can see from code below I have also tried various forms of commit.


// connection.BeginTransaction();            

// connection is a straightforward sqlite connection the above code line is
available in monodroid

// however without some commit or endtransation nothing gets written to the

                for (int go = 0; go < selstr2.Count; go++)



                        //cc2 is the connection.command

                      cc2.CommandText = selstr2[go];   //array selstr
contains insert statements








I'd be grateful for any help at all - 

John Murray




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