On Jul 23, 2012, at 4:57 AM, Matthias wrote:
> is it possible to have different M4a framework versions side by side on the 
> same developer machine?

For Windows? I don't think so, though I haven't tried.

For OS X? Yes, and I have 20 installed. Note that this isn't entirely 
convenient unless you're a luddite Terminal lover like me...

Note that none of this is officially supported; it's just what I've been doing 
the last 2+ years of development...

Step 1: Copy the SDK directories into a versioned directory:

        cd /Developer
        sudo cp -R MonoAndroid MonoAndroid-VERSION
        cd /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework
        sudo cp -R External External-VERSION

Optional Step 2: Create a script in $PATH with the contents [0]. Update VERSION 
and directories as appropriate. I name my scripts dbuild-VERSION. The 
dbuild-VERSION script is xbuild, and thus takes the same arguments as xbuild; 
you'll want to be acquainted with:


For example:

        dbuild-v4.2.3 /t:Install MyProject.csproj /p:AdbTarget=-d

Once created, you can just use the dbuild-VERSION script to build. HOWEVER, 
this doesn't integrate with MonoDevelop; the IDE will only use 

Optional Step 3 (MonoDevelop integration): Symlinks!

        cd /Developer
        rm -Rf MonoAndroid      # or mv...
        ln -s MonoAndroid-VERSION MonoDevelop
        # repeat to /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External

You can setup some script wrappers wrappers to sanely automate the symlink 

 - Jon



export ANDROID_SDK_PATH=/opt/android/sdk
export ANDROID_NDK_PATH=/opt/android/ndk
export ANDROID_HOST=darwin-x86
export ANDROID_HOST_PLATFORM=darwin-x86
export PATH=$ANDROID_SDK_PATH/tools:$ANDROID_SDK_PATH/platform-tools:$PATH

export TARGETS_DIR="/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External-VERSION/xbuild"
export MSBuildExtensionsPath="$TARGETS_DIR" 
export MONO_ANDROID_PATH="/Developer/MonoAndroid-VERSION/usr/"

exec xbuild \
        /p:AndroidSdkDirectory="$ANDROID_SDK_PATH" \
        /p:MonoDroidInstallDirectory="$MONO_ANDROID_PATH" \

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