On Jul 19, 2012, at 9:23 AM, Meinrad Recheis wrote:
>  hope you are going to review the synchronization soon.

I have manually reviewed the synchronization code implicated in the stack 
traces, and I've applied a sensible fix (moving code outside of a lock{} that 
didn't need to be within it), but I have no idea if this will actually fix the 
problem you're seeing. In any event, 4.2.5 will contain that change.

I'm still pestering the QA team to test the deadlock code on their Galaxy Tab 
10.1. Unfortunately, they still have Android 3.1 on it, so I'm not entirely 
sure if it'll behave the same; it may need to be upgraded to 4.0.3 to see the 
same behavior you are.

 - Jon

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