On Jul 11, 2012, at 7:56 AM, Forum wrote:
> When I checked the things today again I noticed that the daemon port and the 
> number in the emulator window are not the same. 

I believe that doesn't matter, as `adb start-server` also states that it's 
running on port 5037 for me, while my emulators start with 5554. I think the 
numbers are in different "namespaces."

Instead, what does this print?

        adb devices

Specifically, does it print the 5554 emulator instance?

        $ adb devices
        List of devices attached 
        emulator-5554   device

If not, that's a problem; keep doing `adb kill-server ; adb start-server` until 
`adb devices` shows the emulator.

If `adb devices` does show the emulator, and the IDE doesn't see it, try 
restarting the IDE.

 - Jon

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