On Jul 6, 2012, at 11:12 AM, craig wrote:
> I'm trying to bind a JAR file that compiled just fine in Java but I get a 
> mysterious "java.exe" exited with code 1 when I try to bind the JAR file in 
> Mono for Android.

Enabling Diagnostic MSBuild output should provide additional information.

Within Visual Studio:
1. Click Tool > Options...
2. In the left-hand tree view, select Projects and Solutions > Build and Run
3. In the right-hand panel, set the MSBuild build output verbosity dropdown to 
4. Click OK
5. Clean and rebuild your package.

Within MonoDevelop/OS X:
1. Click MonoDevelop > Preferences...
2. In the left-hand tree view, select Preferences > Build
3. In the right-hand panel, set the Log verbosity drop-down to Diagnostic
4. Click OK
5. Restart MonoDevelop

Alternatively, you can use MSBuild or xbuild at the command line:

cd Path\To\Your\Project
msbuild /t:SignAndroidPackage YourProject.csproj /verbosity:diagnostic > 

 - Jon

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