The only error is that a "Large" display device is pulling resources from the "Resources/Values-Normal" folder (other sizes work fine). This is easy to test with the HelloWorld app that uses strings.xml in the Resources/values folder for the hello message. Just create Values-Normal and Values-Large folder and change the message in their respective "strings.xml" to also show the word "Large" or "Normal". Run with an emulator of each size and you will see the "Normal" message for the large emulator.
xlarge screens are at least 960dp x 720dp large screens are at least 640dp x 480dp (VGA) normal screens are at least 470dp x 320dp (HVGA) small screens are at least 426dp x 320dp (QVGA) Thanks for any help. I'm sure this used to work - our apps have been running since 9/2011. Steve Sharrock Architecture/Design/Programming <blocked::> _____ From: [] On Behalf Of Steve Sharrock Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:42 AM To: 'Discussions related to Mono for Android' Subject: [mono-android] Resources Normal S/B Large I currently have 4 folders for Values that contain a Styles.xml file. Values-xlarge Values-large Values-normal Values-small All has been working fine in the past. A device with 480x854 (DroidX) would use Styles from Values-large. Now it appears this device is using Styles from Values-normal. I don't know when this occurred. Am I making some kind of mistake? Should the folders use uppercase (Large rather than large)? Thanks, Steve Sharrock Architecture/Design/Programming <blocked::>
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