Hi all,

I'm investigating some sort of strange behavior that affect the *Samsung Galaxy
S2* device with *ICS *installed.

This is not related to M4A! This is a general question!

I've done some tests on my app (developed with M4A) and others apps
(developed in pure java) and I've garthered same wired results.

You could do the same. If you go under Settings->Battery you can see a list
which shows, for each app, a battery consumption value. If you click on a
single app item in the list, you can see the* CPU usage total time*
and the*foreground CPU usage time
*. Most applications have a discrepancy on the foreground CPU usage time
value. Seems like most are running in background and not in foreground
becase the foreground CPU usage time is smaller than the total CPU usage.
How is it possibile? Is it a bug? Any one noticed this?
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