Hi Wally

On 2012.06.21 03:05, Wally McClure wrote:
I'm working on an example of using the java binding library. I wanted to use a fairly well known java library, so a friend told me to use the commons-math jar library. Ok, sounds good to me. I plug this into a MfA java binding library, and of course, it generates a bunch of errors. This is actually good. Now, I need to go through and fix these errors as noted here: http://docs.xamarin.com/android/tutorials/Binding_a_Java_Library_%28.jar%29
You have properties and/or events with the same name as class and you have to rename those
in Transforms\Metadata.xml
with following:

Renaming class:

Renaming event by adding eventName attribute:

Renaming property by adding propertyName attribute:

To prevent binding of property/event - set the event/property name to the empty string.

small writeup:

If You need sample I can push AChartEngine bindign to github. I didn't have neought time
since I finished it, but if You need really bad it let me know.


Some of the errors that I am getting are:
Error 1 'Gamma': member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type C:\Projects\MonoAndroidAppDev\New in 4.2\Projects\ExampleJavaBindings\BindingLibrary\obj\Debug\generated\src\Org.Apache.Commons.Math3.Special.Gamma.cs 12 23 BindingLibrary

Error 2 The type or namespace name 'FirstMoment' does not exist in the namespace 'Org.Apache.Commons.Math3.Stat.Descriptive.Moment' (are you missing an assembly reference?) C:\Projects\MonoAndroidAppDev\New in 4.2\Projects\ExampleJavaBindings\BindingLibrary\obj\Debug\generated\src\Org.Apache.Commons.Math3.Stat.Descriptive.Moment.Mean.cs 30 70 BindingLibrary

Error 5 Type 'Org.Apache.Commons.Math3.Stat.Clustering.EuclideanIntegerPoint' already defines a member called 'GetCentroidOf_Ljava_util_Collection_Handler' with the same parameter types C:\Projects\MonoAndroidAppDev\New in 4.2\Projects\ExampleJavaBindings\BindingLibrary\obj\Debug\generated\src\Org.Apache.Commons.Math3.Stat.Clustering.EuclideanIntegerPoint.cs 90 19 BindingLibrary

Error 29 The name 'Handle' does not exist in the current context C:\Projects\MonoAndroidAppDev\New in 4.2\Projects\ExampleJavaBindings\BindingLibrary\obj\Debug\generated\src\Org.Apache.Commons.Math3.Stat.Descriptive.Moment.SecondMoment.cs 23 22 BindingLibrary

Error 33 The name 'SetHandle' does not exist in the current context C:\Projects\MonoAndroidAppDev\New in 4.2\Projects\ExampleJavaBindings\BindingLibrary\obj\Debug\generated\src\Org.Apache.Commons.Math3.Stat.Descriptive.Moment.SecondMoment.cs 51 5 BindingLibrary

Error 35 'object' does not contain a constructor that takes 2 arguments C:\Projects\MonoAndroidAppDev\New in 4.2\Projects\ExampleJavaBindings\BindingLibrary\obj\Debug\generated\src\Org.Apache.Commons.Math3.Stat.Descriptive.Moment.SecondMoment.cs 62 28 BindingLibrary

I'm wondering what the proper step is to go about fixing them. Should I go through the code and manually fix this up? Is there something in the various transform files I should do? As much assistance as I can get in minute detail would be helpful.


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