On Jun 19, 2012, at 11:14 AM, Francesco Colombo wrote:

> 1. `unzip -l your.package-Signed.apk`: Do you have:
>        lib/armeabi/libSQLite3.so
>        lib/armeabi/libmonodroid.so
>        lib/armeabi-v7a/libmonodroid.so 
> The apk lib folder content is this:
>        lib/armeabi/libSQLite3.so
>        lib/armeabi/libmonodroid.so
>        lib/armeabi-v7a/libmonodroid.so 
>        lib/x86/ libmonodroid.so  
> Out of curiosity may I ask why the .apk contains libs for the armeabi-v7a and 
> x86 version? The project is configured to support only armeabi!


We felt that most people wouldn't go digging into the Project Options dialog as 
the very first thing they did, and since some developers would be targeting ARM 
by default (hardware testing), and others would be using x86 (the emulator is 
actually performant!), if we kept with our previous behavior of only including 
armeabi by default it meant that the default configuration would be broken for 
many people.

We still default to _only_ armeabi for Release builds. For Debug builds, 
libmonodroid.so is so small there wasn't much downside to just including all 

 - Jon

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