On Jun 7, 2012, at 11:25 AM, Petr Slováček wrote:
> I discovered there's an option to switch on debug mode for that Google 
> analytics library and then it shows more information what it actually does.
> Any idea why it behaves like this? I haven't this problem when using this 
> library in my original Java application.

Good question. Enable logging in your Java app and see what the output is. :-)

What I find interesting is that in your single dispatch case, you hit 
www.google-analytics.com once:

> If it sends just one hit it looks like this:
> V/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(19436): Called dispatch
> V/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(19436): Sending 1 hits to dispatcher
> I/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(19436): Host: www.google-analytics.com
> I/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(19436): User-Agent: GoogleAnalytics/1.4.2 (Linux; U; 
> Android 4.0.4; cs-cz; MT11i Build/4.1.B.0.431)
> I/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(19436): GET ...
> V/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(19436): HTTP Response Code: 200

while in your multiple dispatch case, you hit it twice, once _before_ the 
"Sending 2 hits to dispatcher", and once after:

> V/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(19436): Called dispatch
> I/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(19436): Host: www.google-analytics.com
> I/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(19436): User-Agent: GoogleAnalytics/1.4.2 (Linux; U; 
> Android 4.0.4; cs-cz; MT11i Build/4.1.B.0.431)
> I/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(19436): GET ...
> V/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(19436): Sending 2 hits to dispatcher
> I/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(19436): Host: www.google-analytics.com
> I/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(19436): User-Agent: GoogleAnalytics/1.4.2 (Linux; U; 
> Android 4.0.4; cs-cz; MT11i Build/4.1.B.0.431)
> I/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(19436): GET ...
> V/GoogleAnalyticsTracker(19436): HTTP Response Code: 200

I have no idea what that means; I just find it interesting.

What's also interesting is telnet:

        $ telnet www.google-analytics.com 80
        User-Agent: GoogleAnalytics/1.4.2 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.4; cs-cz; 
MT11i Build/4.1.B.0.431)
        GET ...

When I enter the GET url from the working case, I get an HTTP 207 response (not 
200), with a nested HTTP 400 Bad Request error. (Clearly my telnet-fu is 
lacking, and/or I need to provide additional HTTP headers.)

However, if I use the multi-dispatch GET url, I just get an HTTP/1.0 400 Bad 
Request. Clearly these two URLs are not equal.

In short, I have no idea what's going wrong, or why it's breaking; there's just 
lots of interesting stuff there. ;-)

Perhaps you should ask on the Google Analytics support list? They may have 
other ideas. Is your app multi-threaded, by any chance? Perhaps you have 
multiple concurrent requests in flight at once?

 - Jon

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