Done, but failed for GoogleAnalytics Easytracker ( ).
The javadoc gets picked up from the output: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\bin\java.exe -jar "C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Novell\jar2xml.jar" --jar=C:\Users\Azure\Projects\MCCollega\Android\Ordina\Tracking\EasyTracker\Jars\EasyTracker.jar --ref="C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-8\android.jar" --out=C:\Users\Azure\Projects\MCCollega\Android\Ordina\Tracking\EasyTracker\obj\Debug\api.xml --ref=C:\Users\Azure\Projects\MCCollega\Android\Ordina\Tracking\EasyTracker\Jars\libGoogleAnalytics.jar --javadocpath=C:\Users\Azure\Projects\MCCollega\Android\Ordina\Tracking\EasyTracker\Jars\javadocs But I still have p0's, so I am guessing the javadoc is in wrong format? On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 10:07 PM, Jonathan Pryor <> wrote: > On Jun 6, 2012, at 3:53 PM, Emiel Metselaar wrote: > > Could you give an example to rename the method parameters, when I am > consuming a "bound library" the p0, p1.... are not helping. How does > Xamarin implement the intellisense, are you writing the xml file by hand? > > The problem is getting the method parameter names: Java .class files > contain type and member names but they don't contain parameter names, i.e. > the .jar is useless for parameter names. > > Where do we get parameter names from? JavaDoc. Our .jar binding tool has > support to parse JavaDoc HTML to get decent parameter names. Unfortunately, > there doesn't appear to be a good way to specify this within the IDE, and > there is a great deal of variance in javadoc output, all of which we don't > support. > > Consequently, you'll need to do two things: > > 1. Download the JavaDoc for the library you're binding. (This may or may > not be possible.) > 2. Edit the .csproj and add a <JavaDocPaths/> property: > > <PropertyGroup> > <JavaDocPaths>Path\To\JavaDocs</JavaDocPaths> > </PropertyGroup> > > 3. Clean and rebuild the project. > > Once this is done, assuming the HTML scraper does its job properly, the > generated api.xml should contain useful parameter names. > > Thanks, > - Jon > > _______________________________________________ > Monodroid mailing list > > > UNSUBSCRIBE INFORMATION: > >
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