I've got the code below.  Basically, I am trying to send a date across to a 
REST based service.  I'm trying to send it in the format like "05/24/2012"  
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be happening.  I am always getting the time 
portion sent across as well.  I literally don't want the time sent across.  
When I inspect the lurl variable before data get's sent across the wire, the 
time is sent as well.  Any suggestions on stripping this out?  What am I 
missing?  I assume that this is something I am doing wrong, but danged if I can 
figure it out. PS. Yes, I know its bad to send the userid and password across 
the url on a GET. Long story.         public IAsyncResult 
BeginMessageAdd(string UserId, string PassWord, string MessageTitle, string 
MessageDescription, DateTime MessageDate, AsyncCallback ac)
            string FormattedDate = MessageDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); // 
String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", MessageDate);
            string lurl = string.Format(LoginUrl, new object[]{ 
                UserId, PassWord, MessageTitle, MessageDescription, 
                FormattedDate });
            var wr = WebRequest.Create(lurl) as HttpWebRequest;
...............        }                                          
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