Wow, several good questions!  First off, I'm Wally.  I was the lead author on 
that book, and that chapter is mine.  I can't blame any other coauthors.  
A few items:On that specific example, there should be another button on that 
form.  IIRC, the other button should insert some data into the table.  When I 
get down to my office, I'll verify this.You should be able to create a DB and 
store it in the assets directory.  When the application is first deployed and 
run, you can copy the db file out.  I haven't done this, but you "should" be 
able to do this.  I'm a db guy at heart, so sql commands are easy to put 
together for me, plus I like to use them when I update apps.Accessing the db 
remotely is way more complicated than we are used to with VS.  You can use adb 
to connect to the db, but you have to have the device.  I'm sure that there are 
higher level tools that you can use, but I am not aware of them.
> Date: Fri, 18 May 2012 03:35:23 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [mono-android] SQLite error
> Hello,
> I'm having this problem with the sample code of the wrox book "Pro Android
> programming with Mono for Android", InternalNetworkData sample.
> First it creates a DB and fills it with data, with success, then tries to
> read the data with a SqliteDataReader.
> I tried to debug it and when it gets to the line "while (sdr.Read())" the
> debug line jumps to the end of the file, no errors, and non processing,
> application stil running, and I can press the button to get the data again.
> What's wrong? with the code and with my debug that can't get the error.
>             string DatabaseName = "UserData.db3";
>             string documents = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(
>                 System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
>             string db = Path.Combine(documents, DatabaseName);
>             var conn = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + db);
>             var strSql = "select Name from Customer where STATEID=@STATEID";
>             var cmd = new SqliteCommand(strSql, conn);
>             cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
>             cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter("@STATEID", 2));
>             tv.Text = "";
>             try
>             {
>                 conn.Open();
>                 SqliteDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
>                 while (sdr.Read())
>                 {
>                     tv.Text = Convert.ToString(sdr["Name"]);
>                 }
>             }
>             catch (System.Exception sysExc)
>             {
>                 tv.Text = sysExc.Message;
>             }
>             finally
>             {
>                 if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)
>                 {
>                     conn.Close();
>                 }
>                 conn.Dispose();
>                       }
> By the way, is there a way with a thirdy part software or even with vs to
> create a sqlite DB and deploy it with the application? and maybe even to
> access the sqlite DBs in the connected device? asking too much?
> Thanks!
> Mattia
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