I upgraded to 4.2.1, and now every time I deploy my app, the app's shortcut
disappears off of my home screen.  I can see it disappear right when the
deploy process says "Removing any previous version.."


I recall this used to happen when I first started using MfA until I went
into the options and told it to preserve the app's content between
deployments.  But with 4.2.1, even when I check that option, it still
deletes my shortcut.


This is really frustrating since I'm struggling with bugs that only repro
when the app is launched from the home screen (as I reported last week).  So
every time I deploy I have to close the app, add it back to the home screen
and re-launch it from there and try to repro the bug.


Is there a way to go back to the 4.0.6 behavior of preserving it on the home
screen between deployments?



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