First let me say.  I like some of the things in 4.2.x.  Good direction guys. 
But there are a few things I am having issues with since the 4.2.1 upgrade.
I am using VS2010. I went from 4.06 to 4.2.1.

1. Even though I compile with no warnings or errors, shortly after
compiling, I get "intellisense" errors in some of the files open in the
editor.  The errors are as if references to other class libraries are not
setup, but of course they are since it compiled properly.  This might be
related to class libraries that are referenced within other class libraries. 
So if the app has a reference to class1.methodA that is in a library, and
methodA returns a type class2 which is defined in a second library, there is
a intellisense error in the call complaining  that it: 

"Cannot implicitly convert class2 to namespace.class2".  When of course they
are the same reference.  

2. VS2010 crashes periodically if the debugger is left attached for a while. 
Doing long duration testing (> 1-2 hrs), the VS2010 will simply crash and
have to restart.  

3. Every time an application is deployed, it removes the previous version. 
This wipes out any local storage, so any configuration files, or downloaded
files etc, are wiped out.  This is a real pain, as my application needs to
be reconfigured (told the server IP address) , and then it needs to
re-download about 200MB  of data, every time I recompile and debug. Ouch!!!

4. NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()  seems to not function any
more.  Is there an alternative?

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