No worries, thanks for the v4.1 alpha :) I'm very excited about this as it means I will be able to get the compatibility package viewpager control in place rather than the hand rolled swipe gesture listener/viewswitcher combo I put in as a temporary measure.
I can't easily produce a reproducable project as our stuff has a lot of code and dependencies. It would be much more time consuming to give you our source code and get you up and running with scons etc than it would to produce a toy example from scratch. I've got a few urgent things to attend to today, but I will see if I can create a stripped down example when I get a spare moment later on this week or next. Cheers Iain PS, I also see some weird build errors when I try to build/deploy in visual studio, related to project references not being found. It seems to only happen if I have source files open - possibly intellisense compilation out of date or something? Wish I could provide more info, but I'm not entirely sure what's happening yet. It goes away if I do a deploy with all source editor windows closed though. Have you seen anything similar? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list archive at _______________________________________________ Monodroid mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE INFORMATION: