
Thanks again for the detailed info.  It certainly helps me understand things.

Stubbing out the ILocationListener for non-Android platforms is simple (and par 
for the course when we're doing cross-platform work).  Stubbing out an 
interface is less involved than creating actual implementation classes is all - 
we've got processes we use for both scenarios, it's just that simple interface 
additions are a lot simpler.

Chris Tacke
OpenNETCF Consulting, LLC

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:monodroid-
>] On Behalf Of Jonathan Pryor
> Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2012 7:21 PM
> To: Discussions related to Mono for Android
> Subject: Re: [mono-android] Services, Activities, Contexts and
> separation of concerns
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 11:27 AM, Chris Tacke wrote:
> > The problem is in my semantics.  I tend to call classes that I have
> back in the model that provide specific functionality "Services" (and
> the get added into my IoC framework's Services collection).  It's not a
> Proper Android Service.  It's actually just a plain old class that I
> inherited ILocationListener with.  Turned out it needed to also be a
> Java.Lang.Object inheritor (this is what was killing me this time) -
> this gives me some heartburn as now that service code is not cross-
> platform compatible.
> This confuses me a bit. ILocationListener isn't cross-platform
> compatible either, so why would the addition of Java.Lang.Object
> suddenly kill things? identical cross-platform code was dead as soon as
> you pulled in ILocationListener.
> If you want cross-platform code, you'll need to create your own
> interface abstraction for your core assemblies (or use
> Xamarin.Mobile?), then implement your abstraction in an Android-
> specific codebase along with ILocationListener+Java.Lang.Object/etc. Or
> use #if to skip ILocationListener/Java.Lang.Object/etc. so it's
> included only on Android builds.
>  - Jon
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