Is logcat enabled on the physical device? My app works fine on the
emulator, not a physical device
Yes, logcat is available on both emulators and physical devices.
Thanks for that.
Logcat is showing something odd on the device which isn't showing on the
(this is a slightly shortened version as the stuff before this was just
debug from every other process going)
I/monodroid-gc( 618): environment supports jni NewWeakGlobalRef
D/PowerManagerService( 2711): onSensorChanged: light value: 10000
I/AudioFlinger( 2599): stop output streamType (0, 1) for 1
W/WindowManager( 2711): Window Window{40995cf8
paused=false} destroyed surface
identity=-1, mNativeSurface=0), session Session{409daca8 uid 10029}
W/WindowManager( 2711): Window Window{40a6af28 SurfaceView paused=false}
destroyed surface Surface(name=SurfaceView, identity=-1,
mNativeSurface=0), session Session{409daca8 uid 10029}
D/GlassLockScreenMusicWidget( 2711): handleStopMarquee()
D/dalvikvm( 618): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 52K, 50% free 2742K/5379K,
external 0K/0K, paused 16ms
D/dalvikvm( 618): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 1K, 50% free 2742K/5379K,
external 1K/513K, paused 16ms
I/Kineto::main(15902): WCMGetLinkMetricsCbk iRSSI:-50
E/KINETO (15902): KLOG004- IPA_LinkMetric: -50 -49 0 0 0 0x00
E/KINETO (15902): KLOG0B4- IPA_ZoneMetric: 8 8 -49 -75 -85 1 0x001 0 0
D/dalvikvm( 618): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed <1K, 50% free 2742K/5379K,
external 1751K/2263K, paused 15ms
E/yamaha::media::Parameters( 2599): SalesCode = ORA
D/dalvikvm( 618): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 8K, 49% free 2769K/5379K,
external 2468K/2494K, paused 16ms
I/WindowOrientationListener( 2711): orientation = 359.98334 Tilt =
37.463734 -- 0 , 8 , 6
I/mono-stdout( 618): xs = 432
I/mono-stdout( 618): 90% width = 432, xAcross = 480
I/WindowManager( 2711): CREATE SURFACE
Surface(name=oqhra.android/oqhra_android.oqhra_android, identity=363,
mNativeSurface=0) IN SESSION android.view.SurfaceSession@409e5d50:
pid=618 format=-1 flags=0x0 / Window{40a0e330
oqhra.android/oqhra_android.oqhra_android paused=false}
D/CLIPBOARD( 2948): Hide Clipboard dialog at Starting input: finished by
someone else... !
I/WindowOrientationListener( 2711): orientation = 358.84888 Tilt =
37.529194 -- 0 , 7 , 5
I/ActivityManager( 2711): Displayed
oqhra.android/oqhra_android.oqhra_android: +1s47ms
D/CLIPBOARD( 618): Hide Clipboard dialog at Starting input: finished by
someone else... !
I/GLThread( 2948): onPause tid=19
I/Main thread( 2948): onPause waiting for mPaused.
I/GLThread( 2948): mPaused is now true tid=19
W/WindowManager( 2711): Window Window{4056c560 Starting oqhra.android
paused=false} destroyed surface Surface(name=Starting oqhra.android,
identity=-1, mNativeSurface=0), session Session{409c84f0 uid 1000}
D/PowerManagerService( 2711): onSensorChanged: light value: 10000
W/PowerManagerService( 2711): Timer 0x7->0x3|0x0
E/lights ( 2711): write_int: path
/sys/devices/virtual/misc/melfas_touchkey/brightness, value 2
I/PowerManagerService( 2711): Ulight 7->3|0
D/PowerManagerService( 2711): setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 0
I/WifiService( 2711): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/WifiService( 2711): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
I/WindowOrientationListener( 2711): orientation = 359.0468 Tilt =
28.39012 -- 0 , 8 , 4
E/BatteryService( 2711): TMU status = 0
D/BatteryService( 2711): update start
D/BatteryService( 2711): updateBattery level:57 scale:100 status:2
health:2 present:true voltage: 3907 temperature: 290 technology: Li-ion
AC powered:false USB powered:true icon:17302233
D/PhoneUtils( 2892): updateRAFT() : FactoryMode : false
I/WifiService( 2711): pre-persistedWifiState is 1
I/StatusBarPolicy( 2861): BAT. S:2 H:2
I/WifiService( 2711): isAirplaneModeOn is 0
I/WindowOrientationListener( 2711): orientation = 1.6021729 Tilt =
25.242617 -- 0 , 9 , 4
I/ALSAModule( 2599): Terminated ALSA PLAYBACK device hifi
D/PowerManagerService( 2711): onSensorChanged: light value: 10000
E/yamaha::media::Parameters( 2599): SalesCode = ORA
I/WindowOrientationListener( 2711): orientation = 358.9167 Tilt =
30.459404 -- 0 , 8 , 5
V/WifiMonitor( 2711): Event [ SCAN-RESULTS ]
I/Kineto::wifi(15902): onReceive Enter
I/Kineto::wifi(15902): onReceive SCANNING
I/Kineto::main(15902): Kineto: HandleWifiChangeStatus val: 5
I/Kineto::main(15902): Kineto: Wifiscanning
I/wpa_supplicant(32463): SCAN_RESULTS : [1]
I/wpa_supplicant(32463): SCAN_RESULTS : [1]
I/wpa_supplicant(32463): SCAN_RESULTS : [1]
I/Kineto::wifi(15902): onReceive Exit
I/wpa_supplicant(32463): SCAN_RESULTS : [1]
D/dalvikvm(14056): GC_CONCURRENT freed 437K, 43% free 3921K/6855K,
external 0K/0K, paused 2ms+3ms
I/WindowOrientationListener( 2711): orientation = 358.55472 Tilt =
27.327717 -- 0 , 8 , 4
I/Kineto::main(15902): WCMGetLinkMetricsCbk iRSSI:-44
E/KINETO (15902): KLOG004- IPA_LinkMetric: -44 -46 0 0 0 0x00
E/KINETO (15902): KLOG0B4- IPA_ZoneMetric: 8 8 -46 -75 -85 1 0x001 0 0
D/PowerManagerService( 2711): onSensorChanged: light value: 10000
I/WindowOrientationListener( 2711): orientation = 358.6815 Tilt =
27.415138 -- 0 , 8 , 4
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 2711): handleTimeout
I/WindowOrientationListener( 2711): orientation = 357.67285 Tilt =
26.492594 -- 0 , 8 , 4
I/InputReader( 2711): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0,
pending(waiting finished signal)=0
I/InputDispatcher( 2711): Delivering touch to current input target:
action: 0, channel '40a0e330 oqhra.android/oqhra_android.oqhra_android
E/lights ( 2711): write_int: path
/sys/devices/virtual/misc/melfas_touchkey/brightness, value 1
I/PowerManagerService( 2711): Ulight 3->7|0
D/PowerManagerService( 2711): setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 177
I/Kineto::Receiver(15902): onReceive Enter
I/Kineto::main(15902): Kineto: SendAlarmEvent Enter
I/InputReader( 2711): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1,
pending(waiting finished signal)=0
I/InputDispatcher( 2711): Delivering touch to current input target:
action: 1, channel '40a0e330 oqhra.android/oqhra_android.oqhra_android
E/AudioPolicyManager( 2599): getParamFromPolicy
E/AudioPolicyManager( 2599): getSituationVolume
I/AudioPolicyManager( 2599): getSituationVolume: isBTConnected:0
I/AudioFlinger( 2599): start output streamType (0, 1) for 1
E/yamaha::media::Parameters( 2599): SalesCode = ORA
E/yamaha::media::Parameters( 2599): SalesCode = ORA
I/mono-stdout( 618): t = 1, addFactor = 0
D/dalvikvm( 618): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 22K, 48% free 2806K/5379K,
external 2498K/3090K, paused 27ms
I/ALSAModule( 2599): Initialized ALSA PLAYBACK device hifi
W/AudioFlinger( 2599): write blocked for 75 msecs, 207 delayed writes,
thread 0x5e988
D/dalvikvm( 618): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 3K, 48% free 2803K/5379K,
external 4248K/5306K, paused 16ms
E/KINETO (15902): KLOG0A3- OS_QueueReceive alarm received, posting
message to IPA
E/KINETO (15902): KLOG082- Posting Alarm expiry indication on pipe
E/KINETO (15902): KLOG082- select returned. retVal = 1
E/KINETO (15902):
E/KINETO (15902): KLOG082- Alarm expiry ind received in IPSec
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
I/MonoDroid( 618): Parameter name: index
I/MonoDroid( 618): at
(int) <0x00064>
I/MonoDroid( 618): at
I/MonoDroid( 618): at oqhra_android.oqhra_android.getUpcomingRaces
(Android.Widget.ListView,Android.Content.Context,string) <0x001b7>
I/MonoDroid( 618): at oqhra_android.oqhra_android.generateNewScreen
(int) <0x00443>
I/MonoDroid( 618): at oqhra_android.oqhra_android.listView_ItemClick
(object,Android.Widget.ItemEventArgs) <0x00067>
I/MonoDroid( 618): at Android.Widget.ItemClickImplementor.OnItemClick
(Android.Widget.AdapterView,Android.Views.View,int,long) <0x0008f>
I/MonoDroid( 618): at
(intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,int,long) <0x000b3>
I/MonoDroid( 618): at (wrapper dynamic-method)
(intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr,int,long) <0x0006b>
E/mono ( 618):
E/mono ( 618): Unhandled Exception:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
E/mono ( 618): Parameter name: index
E/mono ( 618): at
(Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
E/mono ( 618): at
oqhra_android.webservice_user.getUpcomingRacesCallBack (System.String
track, System.Action`1 callback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
E/mono ( 618): at oqhra_android.oqhra_android.getUpcomingRaces
(Android.Widget.ListView listView, Android.Content.Context c,
System.String track) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
E/mono ( 618): at oqhra_android.oqhra_android.generateNewScreen
(Int32 t) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
E/mono ( 618): at oqhra_android.oqhra_android.listView_ItemClick
(System.Object s, Android.Widget.ItemEventArgs e) [0x00000] in <filename
E/mono ( 618): at Android.Widget.ItemClickImplementor.OnItemClick
(Android.Widget.AdapterView parent, Android.Views.View view, Int32
position, Int64 id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
E/mono ( 618): at
I/AudioFlinger( 2599): stop output streamType (0, 1) for 1
I/ActivityManager( 2711): Process oqhra.android (pid 618) has died.
I/WindowManager( 2711): WIN DEATH: Window{40a0e330
oqhra.android/oqhra_android.oqhra_android paused=false}
W/WindowManager( 2711): Window Window{40a0e330
oqhra.android/oqhra_android.oqhra_android paused=false} destroyed
surface Surface(name=oqhra.android/oqhra_android.oqhra_android,
identity=-1, mNativeSurface=0), session Session{40ddb590 uid 10137}
I/OrientationDebug( 2711): [pwm] in updateOrientationListenerLp()
V/OrientationDebug( 2711): in updateOrientationListenerLp(), Screen
status=true, current orientation=1, SensorEnabled=true
I/OrientationDebug( 2711): [pwm] needSensorRunningLp(), return true #4
I/WindowManager( 2711): WIN DEATH: Window{40aeced8 Please wait paused=false}
I/GLThread( 2948): onResume tid=19
I/Main thread( 2948): onResume waiting for !mPaused.
I/GLThread( 2948): mPaused is now false tid=19
I/Launcher( 2948): onResume(). mIsNewIntent : false screenOff: false
V/ProgramMonitor( 2948): Binding::bindTaskManagerService()
D/Zygote ( 2598): Process 618 exited cleanly (1)
It looks like something is getting upset on the device, but not the
emulator, but I have zero clue on how to fix this.
That said System.Collections.Generic.List`1 looks dubious to be - why is
there a ` inserted?
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