On Mar 20, 2012, at 12:14 PM, GigaNTes wrote:
> I need to render a rectangle of the specific color.

There are at least two different ways to do this, depending on how you want to 
use it. You could create a custom View [0] and override View.OnDraw() [1] to 
draw a rectangle; for example, ApiDemo [2] has an example that uses 
Canvas.DrawCircle()[3] to draw a circle.

Alternatively, you can use OpenTK if you need to use OpenGLES support.

If you just need a rectangle, using the Canvas API is the simpler solution.

 - Jon

[0] http://androidapi.xamarin.com/?link=T:Android.Views.View

[1] http://androidapi.xamarin.com/?link=M:Android.Views.View.OnDraw


[3] http://androidapi.xamarin.com/?link=M:Android.Graphics.Canvas.DrawCircle

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