It looks like your emulator is never loading up. When the emulator loads up, slide to unlock it, and then try to deploy.
If this isn't what you are seeing, what does the emulator screen look like? Jonathan On 3/19/2012 4:15 PM, closdesign wrote:
I am getting an error of Unhandled exception in button_ok_Click:Task. See exception for details. When I view the details I get the message in the image: We are also having issues running the Honeycomb Gallery example. It is mainly just not loading. We waited upwards of 20 minutes for the package to install on the emulator. Is there an issue with the way we have it set up? We are on Windows, running Mono for Android, using the default AVD's set up by Mono. Please assist. Thanks in advance. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list archive at _______________________________________________ Monodroid mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE INFORMATION:
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