Issue 2) seems to be solved with latest M4A 4.0.4 and MD 2.8.8 beta.


On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 12:14 PM, Igor Russkih <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Using MonoDevelop 2.8 on windows and MonoAndroid. Periodically I see the
> next strange behavious:
> 1) MonoDevelop does not see the emulator running. I'm running the emulator
> on linux (and MD runs in virtual box), then I forward emulator connection
> ports via ssh. Sometimes MD sees no emulator. After MD restart it
> occasionally finds the emulator. adb shell connects fine all the time. Are
> there any extra actions MD does to detect suitable emulators?
> 2) Sometimes MD loose the ability to set breakpoints. Mean I can set them
> up, but it never breaks in. At the same time, unhandled exceptions are
> being catched fine. Any thoughs why this could happen?
> 3) Sometimes applications rejects to startup on emulator. Java part
> starts, but when it comes to mono code - it just never executes (looks like
> a hangup). From android backtraces I see it hangs in Activity.onStart
> handler. Emulator image reset and MonoAndroid libraries reinstall helps.
> These issues delays the development alot, I would be glad if anyone can
> share the experience or workarounds.
> Thanks!
>   Igor
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