On Feb 20, 2012, at 11:50 AM, Chris Tacke wrote:
> I've moved to something a bit simpler that, from initial tests anyways, 
> appears to work.  Does this seem reasonable though (I think it assumes that 
> the UIInvoker class itself is created on the UI thread):
>    public class UIInvoker : DisposableBase
>    {
>        private Activity m_activity = new Activity();
>        public void Invoke(Delegate method)
>        {
>            m_activity.RunOnUiThread(delegate
>            {
>                method.DynamicInvoke(null);
>            });
>        }

I wouldn't suggest this solution, as this avoids a great deal of Activity 
initialization; you have a "half-baked" Activity instance. (For those reading 
along at home, Activity.attach() is never invoked; Activity.attach() is called 
in android.app.ActivityThread, which requires that you go through the 
Context.startActivity() infrastructure, which `new Activity()` obviously 

That said, it works...because Activity.runOnUiThread() doesn't use 
Activity.mUiThread for anything except reference comparison, but I have no idea 
how long that will be the case.

What I would instead suggest is:

        public void Invoke(Delegate method)
                using (var handler = new 
                        handler.Post(delegate {

 - Jon

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