On Feb 17, 2012, at 11:41 AM, Goncalo Oliveira wrote:
> So, here's what I did
> 1. Added the .so library to the project under 
> /NativeLibraries/armeabi/libsdk.so
> 2. Set the library's build action to AndroidNativeLibrary
> 3. Added the java source file under /JavaSources/libmsg.java
> 4. Set the file's build action to AndroidJavaSource

Sanity check: unzip the apk and make sure that lib/armeabi/libsdk.so is inside 
the .apk.

> I compile the whole thing, deploy to device and start debugging. When I click 
> the button that calls the LibAPI.HasStarted() I get an 
> Java.Lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError.

Can you provide the full stack trace for the UnsatisfiedLinkError?

I can think of three different reasons for the UnsatisfiedLinkError:

1. The native library is compiled for an architecture that your device doesn't 
support. For example, if the .so is an armeabi-v7a library and you try to load 
it on an armeabi device, this can fail. I don't think this is the case here, 
but it's otherwise possible.

2. The com.alk.sdk.AlkMsg type doesn't have a static constructor which calls 
System.loadLibrary("sdk"), and instead requires that "external" code call 
System.loadLibrary(). If this is the case, then you should add a call to 
Java.Lang.JavaSystem.LoadLibrary("sdk") during your startup code, sometime 
before you call AlkMsg.Msg_HasStarted().

3. The native library has been improperly linked, and dlopen() refuses to load 
the library. This requires NDK tools to validate.

I would hope that (2) is the problem, and that the JavaSystem.LoadLibrary() 
call would fix it.

If (2) doesn't fix it, you could try using the C API that they provide via 
P/Invoke and [DllImport]. This would still fail if the problem is due to (3).

Using a P/Invoke interface would also allow skipping the Java class and JNIEnv 
use, so it may be preferable, but without knowing _why_ the 
UnsatisfiedLinkError is being thrown, it's difficult to know what the actual 
reason is.

- Jon

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